Sunday, April 30, 2006

Definition of Survival

According to me "survival" ( literally meaning "to live" ) does not hold the same meaning for everyone.It differs from person to person.
Basically from my point of view, survival is "not accepting defeat". You survive or wish to survive in this world because you have a grand cause to achieve, a big goal to reach, someone to chase, a specific purpose in life to pull through and to do all this you need to cross the big ocean of possibilities and chances.

you ( I mean everyone in general and reader in specific ) never would have believed in God if not for problems that come across your path in your life.

Here is a excerpt of the dialogue that took place between me and my friend Chetan,
Chetan - do you believe in God ?
Me - yes
Chetan - then convince me that God exists.
Me ( thinking ) - What the hell ... What to say ???

you can or will believe in God , hoping for the impossible to happen i.e. believing in miracles to occur of nowhere which would help you in surviving ( i.e. in simple terms, helping you in achieving your goal ) if and only if you have problems facing you in your life for which you can't find the solution.
Hence according to me without the element of purpose there is no meaning for survival i.e. in other words the correct synonym for 'survival' is 'purpose'.

The purpose in the life of a dedicated parent would be to guard his/her child against all obstacles and give him/her a bright future. The purpose in life/goal of a student would be to get 1st rank or to just get good marks. The purpose in life of a good husband would be to protect his family.
The list is endless and every single person wishing to 'live', to be specific 'survive' can be added to the list, since every such person has a purpose in his or her life.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Somebody told me once that doing the same thing again and again and expecting different result is the definition of insanity. Well my life just broke all the rules, my life got freed using the same key agian this time i.e. it gave me a new result with a new range of possibilities in my life and the key being the same old VTU.

You might be wondering as to what is the topic of this post. It is very simple i.e. we got our 3rd sem results the day before yesterday, I was expecting a considerable score but I scored 80.22222 ( infinite no. of 2's - not one less ) % with 52 in EC ( haha, life rocks ) , 100 in MATHS( surprise ), 64 in OOPS ( life sucks ), 55 in DSC ( made me go insane ).

At that moment I felt like hitting something (or) breaking something ( ofcourse something not too costly ) to let go of the frustration but then after listening to my friends' scores I consoled myself, since some have got backs, some have got less than mine and some got more. All those who got more marks than mine have been deleted from my buddy list....... joking yaar.Those are the ppl who give a purpose to my life.Well now that my mind is open for all possiblities ( failure and success ), it will be difficult for fate to surprise me ( haha ).