Tuesday, July 24, 2007

EggClock - A countdown timer

It has been a long time since I have blogged about anything. There is a lot going on presently in my life, my placements has started, I am doing a project, preparing for GRE. Things apart, I still blog and will continue to blog.

From the moment I won my Nokia N70 till now I have never felt any feature lacking in my mobile. Earlier today when I tried to set a countdown timer in my mobile, I couldn't find one. After trying for some time I felt that I was missing something and searched in google for help. There was the biggest shock, the mobile with all these features does not include a very essential personal management software namely, Countdown timer.

I searched in net for a long time till I found the necessary software. It is called EggClock. If you google for that name you will find it. Anyway here is the link,

It is a niece piece of software, short, simple and meets the requirements (Atleast for me).


Mohamed Sanaulla said...

Thanks for the application. Even i was in search of some similar application.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 4 the application. I have searched this kind of application for a long time.